Learning to use the toilet is a big milestone in your toddler’s life. The huge step of leaving behind diapers and wearing big kid underwear is an excitement that can be shared between the child and the parent. Yet, if this is your first child,...
As the only American-run, 100% volunteer-based 501 (c)(3) nonprofit animal rescue on the island, Okinawa Stray Pet Rescue has the unique opportunity to foster change. Commonly in Okinawa, pets are priced high and come from puppy mills. These puppy mills commonly fail to take the...
Living through the heavy restrictions of COVID has been a difficult time for everyone. It is hard to imagine having to give up even the simple privileges a person once had before. Two years ago, no one would have ever imagined that they could not...
Being away from friends and family can be difficult, yet the military requires you to adapt and overcome. Living on a military base comes with many benefits. It gives you a unique chance to make fun memories, make new friends, and eat great food. Living...
In December of 2019, when the Coronavirus first appeared in China, many failed to grasp its impact. While some did not think it would make its way around the world, others believed it all to be just a Hoax. Yet worldwide, it has been reported that there have...